Injury Rehab

Have you sustained a musculoskeletal injury? Dr. Debbie Oldenburg, Dr. Timothy Kirchberg, and Dr. Jessica Waterworth offer injury rehab at Parkside Chiropractic in Columbus, WI, to help you get back to health and on your feet as quickly as possible.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Injury Rehabilitation

Work injuries, sports injuries, and auto accident injuries have several things in common. They can keep you benched in life. They typically worsen over time if not treated. And they can all benefit from chiropractic care. Below, Dr. Oldenburg, Dr. Kirchberg, and Dr. Waterworth at Parkside Chiropractic in Columbus, WI, share just a few benefits of choosing chiropractic injury rehab for your healing journey.

Natural and Lasting Healing

Chiropractors aren’t interested in masking your symptoms. They focus on addressing the actual cause of your pain. When the root cause is eliminated, the resulting pain goes with it. As the techniques used are completely natural and work to empower your body to heal itself, you can enjoy lasting relief without relying on medication.

Comprehensive Recovery From a Wide Range of Injuries

Injuries come in various forms, impacting several different areas of the musculoskeletal system. Additionally, each of these injuries can lead to new ones. For example, a muscle strain can eventually lead to a misalignment, which may then cause a herniated disc and compressed nerve.

Injury rehabilitation through chiropractic care is comprehensive. It doesn’t just treat the source but also any resulting injuries by combining several techniques. These may include adjustments, spinal decompression, therapeutic ultrasound, electrical stimulation, laser therapy, and therapeutic exercise. The goal is to achieve comprehensive and lasting healing by ensuring your musculoskeletal system is as healthy as it can be.

Back to Life Faster and Better Than Before

Thanks to the natural, comprehensive nature of chiropractic rehabilitation, patients recover more quickly and get back to the lives they love. Many find themselves feeling and performing even better than they did before their injury.

No matter what injury you’ve sustained or how you’ve sustained it, chiropractic injury rehab can play a role in your healing. Call (920) 623-2610 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Oldenburg, Dr. Kirchberg, and Dr. Waterworth at Parkside Chiropractic in Columbus, WI, today.

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